Missions Trip 2017 “Bringing Love To The Nations”

November 15, 2017

Mission Trip 2017 Cornerstone Church

We give God all the glory, honor and praises for who He is and what He has done for Missions Trip 2017 in the Philippines with Cambodian church young leaders. We are so grateful to the Lord for all of you who took part of this endeavor, who prayed and supported us for this trip for God’s glory.

We are blessed beyond words of the goodness and faithfulness of God. He made things possible so that these Cambodians will see the greatness of God and His love for them. We are amazed how the Lord funded this Missions Trip and how He touched people’s heart to share and be part of their lives. We believe that by the grace of God, after this trip our Cambodian brethren will never be the same again.

Our goals for this Missions Trip are to encourage them to follow Jesus deeply, to grow in their relationship with Jesus and others, to see the bigger picture of God's plan for their lives, to be exposed in different areas of ministries and to receive tools on how to reach out Cambodians more efficiently.

Psalm 84:11 - “For the LORD God is our sun and our shield. He gives us grace and glory. The LORD will withhold no good thing from those who do what is right.”


1. God Is Our Provider. He provided $4,048 for our 23 days Missions Trip

2. Support Raising Lesson. The young people said they have understood what Pastor Rogil and Janice are doing of going around churches and have gone through to find support so they can stay in Cambodia.

3. Favor From People. Favor from churches by feeding us, driving for us, helping us arranging our activities.

4. Personal Growth. A blessing on personal development for our young Church leaders.

5. Exposure. They stood and gave their testimonies to around 1750 people.

6. Growing Together. Blessing of learning spiritual things together.

7. Learning Indochina History. Extra blessings to have a city tour in Vietnam and been to different cities in the Philippines.

8. Family Ministry. Extra blessings to be with Pastor Rogil and Sis. Janice families.

9. We Are No Longer The Same. Breakthroughs in our Family seminar. “

...but with God all things are possible." - Matthew 19:26


Testimonial Cornerstone Church


I thank God for His blessing for me in giving me opportunity to visit the Philippines for 3 weeks. One major blessings is to be able to attend the Ancient Paths Seminar in the Philippines and able to forgive my father whom I never seen until now.

I learned many things like knowing many people - connect and relate with them and know God more deeply. And God reminded me that God loves me so much and value His children. I am not worthy to receive these things.

I know myself that I have very low ability in speaking English. In the Philippines I tried to sit down alone because I am afraid when somebody will talk to me that I cannot answer them back in English. But the Lord did not want me to be alone. The Lord always sent people to speak with me because I need to be with people. And even I gave my testimonies in English to hundreds of people. The Lord wanted me to grow.

During our stay I got jealous with people because I saw them they know English well but I don’t. The Lord taught me that I am special. And the Lord encouraged me to learn more English.

I examine myself and asked God to change my heart. I want to stop to be hard headed, to stop having broken relationship with people and start mending it. The Lord changed me a lot in my heart and in my mind and desire to start having fruitful relationship with people.

I thank God for all the many lessons. I cannot forget all my beautiful experiences in the Philippines. I know Jesus is enough for me.

Thank you for your prayers and for your support. Glory to our God!

Jesus Is Enough For Me Cornerstone Church


VANNAK: First of all we want to praise our living God for giving us great opportunity to have Missions Trip in the Philippines. This is our first time that we could travel to other country like Vietnam and Philippines. We would like to say thank you to all our brothers and sisters who prayed, supported us, and provided us our food and place to stay and others.

NARY: I’m thanking the Lord for this first opportunity to travel by airplane, ship and train. I was very excited to see Philippines and also Vietnam.

VANNAK: God is so good. He taught us a lot in our Missions Trip. Before I was very worried because we didn’t have enough money especially the passports. But God is very faithful - He provided all our needs. God loves me so much. It’s really amazing!

NARY: I remember when we arrived in the Philippines I was so blessed though sometimes there were problems among us but still God is so good. He taught us to be humble, to love each other, to submit and be patient with each other. I praise God also that we made a lot of friends there.

VANNAK: It was a challenge for us Cambodians to communicate with them because we didn’t know really well how to speak English. But we tried to speak English more and more. Praise God we were able to speak to them the best as we could by God’s grace.

NARY: I saw Jesus in them. God has shown to us the goodness of Christians through their love, warm welcome, actions and their testimonies. I am so blessed God allowed us to see and know what a good follower of Jesus Christ is and also how to be a good example.

VANNAK: We also attended the Ancient Paths seminar. Now by God’s grace we know the foundation of the family. We learned how to bless the people especially my family. We learned to repent from our sins and let God cut it and set us free. God made us free through Jesus Christ our Savior and Lord.

NARY: During Ancient Paths seminar I learned about family especially the life of a husband and wife. We were very blessed because we were closer now and know each other well than before. We learned how to honor each other. God healed our pain and cleansed us and freed us from the curses of our parents. We are so thankful to God for this Missions Trip. We give God all the glory!

MeyMey Ban Cornerstone Church


I thank the Lord for the opportunity to have missions trip in the Philippines. The Lord allowed me to see His faithfulness through the lives of the people around me for the past 3 weeks. I know that I don’t have the ability to go to the Philippines but these things happened because this is the power and mercy of God in my life.

Before we started to travel, we don’t have enough money to use yet. But the Lord provided every need that we have for the past 3 weeks. Upon arriving there in the Philippines, every one of us received His provision like a river flowing.

I received a very good place to stay, food for 3 meals everyday with snacks like I cannot finish it all because of the abundance of food. We even went for shopping and buy some things for us. The Lord developed me a lot. The presence of thousands of people we met made me more confident. Also, I have the privilege to meet hundreds of pastors all over the Philippines. What a great experience of God’s grace.

The Lord showed me also very clearly my identity before the Lord through Ancient Paths Seminar. I found out my name means gift of God. In this seminar I know myself well, I forgave all the people around me who wronged me and especially I learned the lessons on honoring my parents, my brother and others.

For the past 3 weeks, the Lord gave me many opportunities for me to give my testimonies. And they said they were blessed listening and meeting Cambodian believers.

I come back in Cambodia as a different Mey Mey. I believe I will accomplish the purpose of God in my life by God’s grace.

Thank you for all your supports and prayers. I give all the glory to God.

Liza Krauch Cornerstone Church


I thank the Lord and praise Him for allowing me to go to the Philippines for Missions Trip. I have learned a lot of things like being patient and submissive. I have received love from the people there. I have seen and experienced to give and receive love and forgiveness from others.

During our first week of the trip, I was a person that always complain and very negative especially when I give my testimony because I thought I cannot speak English well. In fact I was so scared. I don’t want to stand in front of many people because all of them are watching me. But I am thankful to God for being with me as I give my testimony to thousands of people with confidence.

Also, I felt and experienced the greatness of God especially in Iloilo City. We attended a National Pastors and Workers conference. There, I saw hundreds of Pastors and workers of the Lord and the place is so big for me. And I thank God I was able to give my testimony.

This is my first time to attend that big conference. We sang and I was the one who played the guitar. Before we went to the stage Pastor Rogil told me to read what was written in the paper about my testimony but when we went up the stage we just had a short time to share and introduced ourselves. Then Pastor Rogil told me to shorten my testimony and I was shocked so I got scared. But during the time God enable my mouth to speak without reading my testimony on the paper. I was able to share by God’s grace and be able to stand in front of many people.

All of these are awesome works of God in my life.

Now I want to be a blessing to my parents and siblings. I saw many believers of Jesus in the Philippine and I desire to see many Cambodians come to know Jesus as well.

Because of this missions trip the Lord taught me to love Him more, trust Him more, serve Him more and be faithful more.

I am ready to fulfill the plan of God in my life by God’s grace.

Thank you for loving us through your prayers and supports. Praise the Lord!

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