From A Boy To A Professor - Bro. Linda Testimony

April 8, 2023

by Rick Kneupper

My Name is Nem Linda from Battambang, Cambodia. I was born one of five siblings.

My father works as a police officer and mother as a housewife.

I graduated as an engineer from the National Polytechnic Institute of Cambodia. My favorite subject was civil engineering. My favorite teacher in school was a man named Hong Veasna. I learned much from this good teacher.

My university annual cost was about $600 per year. I traveled to university from home by motorbike.

At first, I was not a believer of Jesus. I was a Buddhist. But there was a miracle that made me believe in Jesus. God used my teacher in High School - Teacher Chao Vannak who shared and taught me the Bible, the Word of God.

At that time my faith was still weak but after my teacher brought me to join the life camp in Sihanouk Ville through Cornerstone Church - my faith became more and more stronger.

When I arrived there, I saw many different things from what I used to experience from the other previous life camps.

During the camp, I heard a testimony from a Khmer pastor who shared about how God changed his life. And then I started to think, God is really amazing. God can change a person’s life from a bad person to becoming a good one.

After I believed in Jesus, I understood more about life through the Bible and I saw that God was always working in my life every time I pray.

There are lots of miracles that God has done in my life. Like I had the opportunity to continue my study at the university in Phnom Penh through God’s blessing from Cornerstone Church. It’s a miracle how God provided because my family couldn’t afford for my study in the university. But by God’s grace through this church I was able to study in the university.

God has changed my life a lot. For instance, God helps me control my anger and not to be selfish but to be patient. He helps me to more giving and serve others. And I’m learning to be courageous.

I was a small group discipleship facilitator and helped by leading Khmer Sunday Worship in the church. In addition, God also blessed my family through my brother and my sister. They are now believers of Jesus too.

Also, I am now a professor at NPIA or National polytechnic Institute of Angkor.

I have never regretted receiving Jesus as my Savior because He is the real God. I am committed to serve the Lord until the end of my life.
God bless!

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