Family Life's Orchestra - Ken & Recy Heyres Life Testimony

September 20, 2016

My name is Ken Heyres and with me is my lovely wife Recy.  As a couple, we never thought of going out of the Philippines because many things we ask and pray for to the Lord has been answered. A stable job, church ministries, loving families and friends and a beautiful place to live, the city of smiles “Bacolod “. Life there seems perfect until the Lord told me to go out the country for study then work in Vietnam. The calling was so strong. That was even the day that I was suppose to sign a contract as a regular teacher in the government with a part time job as music teacher in a state college, but I chose to book a ticket for Vietnam. People sent me their blessings to go including my Pastor, my family and my beloved wife. I left the Philippines with peace in my heart and excited what the Lord has prepared for me in Vietnam. Together with my friend, Judson, we finished TESOL certificate in Vietnam and we were guaranteed jobs as an English teacher. The irony of it all was, after I was offered jobs, I declined for some reasons. As a result, I had no job for about three months. But my friend accepted a job in Ca Mau, Vietnam and I stayed with him. Then, I started asking the Lord. “Where are Your promises to me”. I ended up missing my family so badly, having no money left to sustain my stay abroad, and left with an obscure future, uncertainty and anxiety on how to start again. My wife was crying and begging me to go back home and just leave everything behind, even though I know the Lord was not finished with me yet in Vietnam.

I never thought of going out from the Philippines. I have a stable job in the government, my kids are doing well, I'm active in the church ministry, I and my husband are living peaceably and harmoniously together, we have good relationships with our parents and siblings, we are surrounded by loving friends, so what more should I ask for? Life there seems perfect for me as I have been contented of what the Lord has been doing in our life until my husband entertained the idea of going abroad. April of 2013 when Ken left the Philippines to search for a greener pasture. I thought I will be fine because I believe in myself that I am strong enough to live only with my two kids without a husband and raise them without a father. Months passed when I've realized that a part of me is lacking, something is missing, I felt emotionally empty. To compensate or to fill in that missing part, I made myself busy. I took an extra job as music professor in a university, I enrolled  a master's degree, I joined national competitions in Rondalla, and I joined international festival in music, just to end my day exhausted and have no time to feel those emptiness anymore. But then I realized that I don't even have time for my kids in which they are in need of a double time, from a mother and a father. I've started to see some indifference in my daughter's' behaviors especially Demdem.

I told Ken everything. I was so honest and transparent to him. I consistently and persistently urged him to come home since he still doesn't have a work then. But his response was so strong. He was so persistent and consistent in telling me that God has put something in his heart that he could not explain. He keep on telling me that God has something for him to do. I did not care about that something. I came to a point of competing with God for my husband. I told him  "you have a ministry there?How about us here? Aren’t we your ministry?”  I was so desperate and depressed that I cried every night just for him to come home with us.

I decided to get a ticket to go back home and just forget everything what the Lord has impressed in my heart.Not after a very compelling chat message from Janice, Judson’s friend in Cambodia, that changed our journey. The message was so clear “To go to Cambodia”.

The first time I set foot in Cambodia and met Pastor Rogil and his wife Janice, I already felt home. I’m home to the place I don’t know, to the people I just met and to the work  “Mission” I have never known. God used Pastor Rogil and Janice to confirm God’s plan for me living outside the Philippines. The kind hearted missionary couple , Pastor Rogil and wife Janice took care of me until I got a job. Things were not easy  having no job for 6 months and  hearing my wife crying for so many nights and begging me to go home. Still positive and hopeful, I asked the Lord, “If  You want me to stay,  you must bring my family here and give me a job that would sustain our needs”.  With that little hope in my heart, I asked Him to give me a job on that particular Friday, if not, that means I will book a ticket going back to the Philippines. Actually it was my wife who gave me that ultimatum but I seek God about it. God is a God of miracles, I prayed to answer me until Friday, but it was Thursday morning when someone called me to start a work as an English teacher immediately. After few months, I told my wife to come to Cambodia just for vacation because I know that staying in Cambodia is not in her heart.

Ken agreed to come home but on one condition we will come to Cambodia, enjoy the vacation, talk and discuss then decide and we will go back home altogether. Fine with me, that's a good deal.
When I left the Philippines together with my two girls, I was not sure if I could still go back. Everything was obscure, vague, ambiguous, who knows what else and how to define that uncertainty in me. But one thing I prayed to God, that whatever the decision of my husband, I will submit whatever it takes because I believe that God honors the leadership of the father. It is Him who gives wisdom and discernment to my husband. With that prayer, the Holy Spirit convicted me to prepare everything. Leave all necessary documents for resignation, and have it submitted through co-teachers, a preparation of not going back anymore.

Now, my wife, two daughters and my mother in law are now living with us here in Cambodia. God provided my wife a good job, my lovely daughters are studying in a Christian school and Jesus put peace in my heart. The mercy and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ lead me and my family to a place we can call home. He sent me to a place where I am most satisfied in Him. This is a place where our desire to share the good news and the love of the Lord Jesus Christ are multiplied.

April 8 2014 when my kids and I arrived Cambodia. After a year of being away from my husband, I felt so strange. It was indescribable, inexpressible, undefinable. I felt like I don't know my husband anymore. I don’t like the place, and I told myself that I can't live longer in here, my kids don’t have a future here, I don't know the people. I don’t like it here, I don’t want to stay here.

As days went by, our departure date was getting near, my husband Ken was always telling me how strong that conviction in his heart to stay here, God was also dealing with me and talking to me personally. He was slowly, gently and lovingly changing my heart. He was telling me that I will just trust Him and hold on to His promises in Jeremiah 29:11 that says  "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. He is an omnipresent God. Wherever we go, He is with us.

We decided to stay.  After that decision I've seen how the hands of God worked perfectly in my life. My resignation through email was approved in just two weeks; God gave me jobs; we found a school perfectly suited for my children, God allowed my dad and my mom to come to Cambodia, we gained new friends from different parts of the world and more importantly I have more meaningful time with my husband. God gave us families of believers who embraced us with their unconditional love, extended their arms wide open for help, spent their precious times with us. He used the Cornerstone family to usher us in the Lord's ministry we left in the Philippines. I've learned a lot of things which I couldn't if I did not follow God's direction for me. It took me Cambodia to learn what mission and missions really mean, discipling others and how to bless them. I thank God for empowering my husband to take the lead. I thank my husband for standing firm in the cause of God. I thank all of you for taking part of our life.

Finally, my family and I felt home. Just like in an orchestra, each of us is an instrument with different parts to play that could make a beautiful music. God is our conductor. He directs and guides us when and how to play our parts. You are all God's instruments in orchestrating our life. It's so amazing how He intertwined every single event, then and now, for an overwhelming great experience in Him. He blessed us so much that we could not help but to overflow and share that blessings to other people. Indeed, God has prepared everything before us here in Cambodia. All we need to do is to depend on Him, trust Him, obey Him, and do whatever God leads us to do.

Our journey here is not yet over. He settles us here for a while and prepares us for something great, not only for us but also for the people here in Cambodia and for our next generations. We are so excited of how God will use us mightily in His vineyard, I am so excited of how God will pour out His blessings to us and through us for other people.

To God be the glory!

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